Ana Berta Mazuze is a lawyer and university lecturer. She is a member of the Mozambican Bar Association and has relevant experience in Mozambican and International Law.
Ana Berta Mazuze has been advising clients, mostly foreign, on acquisition of interests in Mozambique or financing local operations. On that scope, Ana Berta has been counselling clients from foreign investment project structuring to corporate and exchange control, labour and tenancy law.
She started her professional career at Abreu e Associados, Advogados, in Lisbon, and then continued in Mozambique, collaborating with local firms namely, Vasconcelos Porto & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, Lda and Henriques, Rocha & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, Lda, a law firm which is part of an international network, MLGTS Legal Circle, which encompasses a selected number of jurisdictions, including Portugal, Angola, Macau (China).
Ana Berta has specialized in renewable energy in the Netherlands, and she is also a Lecturer at Faculty of Law of the University Eduardo Mondlane, teaching introduction to the Study of Law.